
Friday, August 17

What I Wore....

New York City, August 2012.

Day One:

So my first day in the big apple, I felt it was important to make an understated, yet chic statement. I knew it would be hot...but it was H.O.T. like-I-can't-breathe-hot.

Luckily, I opted for white cotton. My fashion instincts served me well...Until central park.

White cotton and grass/dusty soil? I take the above statement back.

These outfit pictures were taken on the rooftop of our amazing hotel (which will be featured in a future post), which was high. I'm not fond of heights, but in New York, who was I kidding?

Hammocks however, are good...

Cotton maxi dress- Yumi
Satchel- Vintage (my Grandmothers) 
Raybans- Macy's (a previous NY trip)
Necklace- Monsoon.

Yawn, jet-lag is still kicking my ass, but at least my first day back at work is over with and I'm back in the Zone!

Have a great weekend my friends!



  1. LOVE your dress! It's perfect!

  2. Hey girl! Beautiful dress! Just letting you know, i nominated you for that liebster award that's been going around. if you've got a moment you should check it out [along with some of the other lovely ladies nominated]. it's a cute idea :)


House of Swoon A self confessed, fashion obsessed, twenty-something frmo Bath, England