
Wednesday, October 3

What I wore: Bird is the word

If that song is officially in your head now- I apologise! This is my usual work outfit. Smart, but loose enough to run around in! I love this shirt, bird print is a slight obsession of mine at the moment!

Cardigain- Instant Vintage.
Top- Instant Vintage.
Jeans- Levi's. 
Boots- M&S. 
Bag- Mulberry.

Forgive me for looking so strange in this pictures, I think a full time (and very full on) job, two blog's and busy social life is taking its toll! I will have to try and sleep more (or drink more coffee). 

As I may have mentioned on Monday, I have been interviewing this week...I love my job, its so diverse in terms of roles and what I could be doing at any point in the day. Maybe I'm tired because I getting to grips with my new role, but its so worth it! 

But Bring on Friday!


1 comment:

House of Swoon A self confessed, fashion obsessed, twenty-something frmo Bath, England