
Monday, July 9

I Can't believe I haven't blogged for three weeks! Things have been chaotic as usual, but I've managed to have some quality time with Zach, my family and lately, close friends last weekend in Wales.

Despite my reservations, Wales was actually ideal! We had a lovely time! With a Swimming pool, three cottages and a function room (that we turned into a pop-up nightclub, with the help of our DJ friend). 

I can honestly say I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. 

After arriving back home a week ago, its been chaos and neither me or Zach have stopped! I suppose we like it that way, makes life a little more interesting!

Anyway, that was what I've done for the last 3 weeks!

This Maxi dress is so easy to wear. Its comfortable and I love the pattern! My mum actually bought it for me, as she saw it in a sale for £3.00!

Head to Toe in New Look today.

Dress- New Look.
Sandals- New Look.

Have a great day!



  1. This is such a pretty dress! Just having a little look at your blog, girl. it's lovely.

  2. I just love that dress and outfit! Lovely blog and pretty lady. :)


House of Swoon A self confessed, fashion obsessed, twenty-something frmo Bath, England