
Friday, November 16

What we did: B is for bicycle...

A couple of weeks ago, as some of my Twitter followers may know, my beau and I went on a beautiful bike ride to Bradford-on-Avon (there's a tongue twister!). It was a cold, but notacloudinthesky day and it was quiet literally an absolute joy to experience.

Now, don't get me wrong; I'm strictly a house cat- very inclined to cities, but I'm mellowing, ever so slightly, in my old age..

Perhaps it was the crisp autumn leaves underneath my pretty bicycle (rented, I may add), the wind in my hair, or the fact my beau treated me to lunch on a barge (a few beers and a pub lunch never go down badly), but I must confess: I do not loath the outdoors as much as once anticipated.

Who Am I!?

Long story short, I am a Cynophobic turned dog whisperer because of Coco. As a result I am no longer weary of parks, beaches, the countryside etc. I would always bump into dogs and freak out, but now I know they are the most wonderful, loyal friends, anyone can have. Again Who am I? 

Then again, who wouldn't love a dog that is happy to rock a snood, prance around in a necklace and be kissed to death all day. Our family has become obsessed with this heavily creature. 

That's what your twenties are all about right? Right?!!?

So anyways; here's some pictures from our 18 mile trek (there and back), Enjoy!

I'm keen on learning more about cycling (atleast along the canal) to other places, so any other Bathonian's, your tips would be much appreciated! 


1 comment:

  1. 18 miles is very impressive...and yes to pups that can rock a snood!


House of Swoon A self confessed, fashion obsessed, twenty-something frmo Bath, England