
Friday, March 15

Red Nose Day...

Red nose day is about doing something funny for money, in order to raise funds to help the less fortunate in Africa and here in the UK. Its always a massive event- both on TV and in schools, homes and businesses  The TV shows are both  hilariously entertaining and heartbreaking- watching them makes you realise how lucky you are.

When I was a child- it was as big then as it is now. At school we had 'wacky hair day' (consisted on putting my fringe in a pony tail on my head- Its more temping than I care to admit...) and always wore the red rubber noses (that would sell out and we'd have to drive to every supermarket in the area until we found them...).

But one year in particular I will never forget...Watching the RND evening shows and It showed all the ill african children. My brother and I were young and we were both crying watching it. And then my brother asked my mum and dad to call in and donate money- as much as they could afford as well as what they would have spent on his birthday. He didn't want presents, he just wanted to solve world hunger. A high achiever from the start! I've never been prouder of him...

So please donate if you can. However small. Buy a t-shirt like this one and help those in need.

Get your T-shirt or donate here.


  1. Great outfit for such a great cause!! <3


  2. Great look. And love the message behind this post!

  3. Great t-shirt - love that one and the one of Tommy Cooper!

    I only snatches of it last night - but the one clip I saw with baby Victor broke my heart :(


House of Swoon A self confessed, fashion obsessed, twenty-something frmo Bath, England